Sunday, December 6, 2015

Important Factors to Consider for Soil Analysis Tests in South Africa

As a farmer in South Africa, do you have doubts about potential soil nutritional deficiencies in your fields? A scientific soil analysis conducted by professionals can provide vital information to help you get high quality and optimal yield from your crops.


Soil nutritional deficiency can result in poor crop growth, irregular development of crop across field, low yields or low quality yield. An accurately conducted soil test will provide details of the soil’s pH level, the availability of nutrients as well as the concentration that is actually available for plant uptake. Along with conventional analysis, scientists may make use of advanced techniques such as the 1:2 water extract technique in order to determine the availability of water soluble nutrients.

Benefits of Analysis

A soil analysis report is a vital tool in determining availability of essential nutrients in the right concentrations for ready uptake by plants.  If it is found that soil is deficient in nutrition, soil scientists may recommend appropriate quantities of nutrient products that can be applied to derive high yielding, better quality crops. By using active nutrients that directly address the requirements of the crop, farmers can optimize
their fertilizer use to suit their yield needs.

Ensuring Reliable Reports

Reliable reports of soil analysis are only possible if scientific methods are followed during collection of samples and testing processes. Samples need to be collected from different parts of the field and proper guidelines need to be adhered to for sample processing. Accurate crop nutrition recommendations should be made on the basis of established guidelines. In order to benefit from reliable testing, it is important to choose a company with experience in the agricultural domain and provides onsite assistance.

There are an amazing range of plant nutrient products that can be used in a safe manner without disturbing the natural equilibrium. Do not waste your time and efforts on guessing; opt for a scientific soil analysis instead!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Top Agricultural Products Packed with Plant Nutrients to Promote High Quality Crop Yields

Established in 2001, Agrilibrium is a South Africa based company committed to following a scientific approach in the design and manufacture of plant nutrients to enhance crop yield in South Africa and other parts of the world.

Soil Analysis

Field experts carry out extensive soil analysis on different parts of farmland and suggest suitable products from among the company’s bouquet of solutions. They offer a wide range of high quality treatment solutions such as biological products, mineral nutrient rich products, and soil ameliorants that make agricultural lands more fertile and increase nutrient availability to plants in keeping with organic farming practices.

Liquid Sulphar Products

The company offers soil applied as well as foliar applied products to achieve desired results. One of the products it offers is DynoSulf, a water soluble organic phytofulvate complex that has a high concentration of liquid sulphur. It is widely recommended to correct sulphur imbalance in the soil and sulphur deficiency in plants. It promotes general photosynthesis and protein synthesis in different types of crops. It is especially useful in improving oil production of oil crops and enhancing the coloring and aromas of fruits such as wine grapes.

Benefits of Fulvic Acid

The company offers products that carry fulvic acid benefits.  For example, MagTrain is a foliar applied, water soluble complex of organic fulvic acid, amino acid chelate, magnesium and sulphur. FulMax is an exclusive foliar applied product containing phytofulvate with excellent wetter/ spreader characteristics. AminoBoost offers biological fulvic acid benefits and is very effective for root growth and improving the plant’s ability to penetrate deep into the soil. Farmers can ensure that macro nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous, carbon and potassium are made available to the crops upon application of Liquid Compost, a water soluble product rich in macro nutrients and organic fulvic acid.

The company also offers an exclusive range of solutions that have been found to be very effective for plant stress management.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Why plants need organic nutrients?

As we know every living thing need to be nourished for better growth and development. Similarly, plants also need supplement for better good growth. Plants get most of their nutrients from the soil in which they grow. In order to make soil full of necessary nutrients required for growth of plant, people often use chemical based products. The chemical based supplements are not biodegradable and affect the natural fertility of soil. In addition, chemical based supplements for soil also pollute nature and bring adverse affect on the health of living being. Therefore, soil analysis is required frequently to check the original fertility of soil. One can take the help of experts for this purpose as it requires great expertise.

In order to nourish the plants one can use organic farming products and techniques. Organic farming products are manufactured from natural ingredients without using any harmful chemicals. The organic products used as supplements for soil and contain all the essential nutrients required for healthy growth of plants, which also enhance the yield from any farm and garden. The organic products and techniques can also restore the fertility of unfertile land, which may be lost due excessive usage of chemical based fertilizers and pesticides. If the quality of soil is good but having deficiency of some nutrients then also the organic farming supplements can fulfill the deficiency without affecting the original quality of soil.

While doing analysis of soil experts from reputed companies check the missing essential plant nutrients and recommend the supplements that can improve the yield that we can get from any land. You can find reputed companies selling organic farming products and recommending best techniques from online platform to improve and restore the fertility of soil in natural way. You can get the higher yields of different crops by using organic supplements, which will never affect the health of anyone and also not going to pollute atmosphere.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Why soil test analysis is necessary for cultivation?

When it comes to knowing the type of fertilizer that would match the soil, farmers find it extremely difficult as there are various factors that need to be taken into consideration, such as, requirement of his crops and the characteristics of the soil. Thus, soil test analysis becomes one of the precious tools for effective farming purpose as it will determine the inputs required for efficient and economic production.

Soil, indeed, is the most important aspects of reaping agricultural benefits. Evaluating the nature of the land before sowing any type of crops is vital to derive maximum agricultural benefit. Soil test analysis can serve various purposes as it will help analyze the following facts:

Nutrition level: By detecting the nutrients available in the soil and those that are unavailable, the analysis give farmers a service leading to better and more economic use of fertilizers and better soil management, thereby promoting higher crop yield.

pH Level: Some soils are alkaline while some are acidic in nature that affects the absorption power of nutrients by plants. Soil test analysis, hence, provides the information of the pH level present in the land that helps in deciding which crop should be sown in that particular land.

Nitrogen level: Proper amount of nitrogen is required for the healthy growth of pants, flowers, and seeds. Through soil test analysis farmers can get to know the nitrogen level of their land.

There are various other things such as the presence of Sulphur, Potassium, harmful weeds, etc, that can be detected and hence the information can be used for the purpose of effective farming.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

How to supply the essential nutrients in plants

For every living creature nutrients play an important role in their growth and in the same way plants as well need adequate nutrients for proper growth. Plants either get the nutrients from soil or from carbon dioxide and water. But with crop rotation and overusing the land for cultivation leads to loss of nutrient content in soil. Soil analysis becomes essential to know about the various nutrients present in the soil as well as their quantity before planting. This will help you know and provide the accurate amount of different essential plant nutrients for yielding healthy crops.

With overuse of soil the sulphur content in the soil decreases. As sulphur plays an important role in growth of plants, the adequate supply of it is essential. After the soil analysis is done, you can spray liquid sulphur as per the quantity required to maintain the balance in the soil. Apart from spraying sulphur in liquid form, another method that can be applied to feed the plants is foliar nutrition effective concentrations. It has become a popular method and a better way of feeding plants over the conventional way of adding fertilizers. It has become a common method used in organic farming, where the essential nutrients are supplied through the foliages, helping in proper growth of plants and crops.

Fulvic acid as well as helps in satisfactory growth of plants. As it has the ability to restore the soil, it has become one of the popular practices in organic farming. Benefits of fulvic acid are quite obvious and a widely used method of supplying the necessary nutrients to the plants. It takes part in oxidation-reduction reactions with transition metals, which helps the plants to absorb the nutrients from the soil in a more effective way. Agrilibrium is one of renowned companies in South Africa known for manufacturing as well as formulating high-quality and useful plant nutrients for organic farming.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Soil Analysis – Essential for producing high-quality crops

Cultivation of crops is done in a wide variety of soil types and the requirement for fertilizers depends on the type of soil. Cultivating a huge land or even a small garden incurs huge investment and if the soil quality is not good, growing plants and crops becomes difficult as well as very costly. Hence, knowing the nutrient content as well as the pH level in the soil is very essential. Most often people tend to over-use the different plant nutrients, which create an imbalance in the soil, resulting in harming both the plants and the environment.

Soil analysis is the best way to know the quality of soil. By testing the soil quality, you will be able to know about the pH level in the soil as well as the nutrient contents. This will help you to use the right amount of fertilizer that is required for growing a particular crop. This is very essential for organic farming. For soil testing, some samples of the earth are taken to a laboratory and it is tested to find its quality along with the issues that might pose hindrance in the growth of plants. This process helps in maximizing the production by using the accurate amount of fertilizer. Along with soil testing, 1:2 water extract analysis is also important before planting crops. It is a method that is employed to measure the water soluble nutrients present in the soil and deciding on the amount that plants are capable of taking in.

Sulphur being an essential nutrient for plant growth, it is important to test the amount contained in the soil for further application. Since with time the content of sulphur in the soil has declined to a great extent, in most cases it is applied by spraying. In the similar way, amino acid chelate is used in organic farming owing to the various benefits it offers. However, the amount depends on the type of soil, which can be measured by testing the soil. Agrilibrium is a company in South Africa that manufactures as well as promotes a variety of nutrients for plants. They also provide soil testing service along with other such services to promote organic farming in the region.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Why organic farming is beneficial

With organic farming gaining popularity owing to the various benefits offered by it, it has also become popular among small scale farmers. Organic farming or agriculture refers to that method of cultivation of food items without using any sort of chemicals such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Organic farming in South Africa has as well gained immense popularity both among the big and small farmers. Even though, today majority of the small farmers do organic farming; however, because they are uninformed of the market prospects, they are not able to garner the benefits of it.

Reasons to support organic farming
There are several reasons why majority of the countries are supporting as well as encouraging organic farming. Some of the reasons include:

1. It reduces the toxic load from air, water, soil as well as human body: Organic foods are produced without using chemicals. This helps in keeping at bay the harmful and hazardous chemicals at bay. Food items produced by this method help in diminishing the toxic substances from air, water, soil and most importantly from the human body.

2. Protects the future generation: Today, most of the diseases that human beings suffer from is due to the presence of toxic substances in the food. Chemical pesticides that are used in production of food items increases the toxic risk. It starts from the mother’s womb and the consumption of organic food keeps such diseases at bay, protecting the future generations from toxic risks.

3. Healthy soil: Monoculture farming as well as use of chemical pesticides lessens the essential plant nutrients from the soil. This in turn affects the growth of crops. Organic farming keeps the important nutrients that are necessary in growing of healthy crops. With it, you can as well reap fulvic acid benefits.

These are some of the reasons why most of the farmers support organic farming across the globe. However, one of the most important aspects of organic farming is 1:2 water extract analysis. Agrilibrium manufactures high quality and effective plant growth promoting organic soil ameliorants, biological soil micro-organisms and Plant Stress Management foliar plant nutrients for both the local agricultural market as well as international market. It is the best place to buy organic products for growing crops.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Agrilibrium – One-stop solution for organic farming in South Africa

Organic farming is the method of growing fruits and vegetables that was used by our ancestors. It is done by application of techniques like crop rotation, green manure, compost, and biological pest control. However, getting to eat organic food is now-a-days a matter of luck. Today, in order to increase production of vegetables and fruits, synthetic manure is used and this is because of the uncontrolled growth in population across the globe. In addition, inorganic foods are also harmful to body and researches have proved that it is a cause of several harmful as well as fatal diseases. Owing to this, organic food is best in order to stay healthy. In addition, organic farming promotes the sustainable health and productivity of the ecosystem.

Organic farming in South Africa has got pace in the last few years. Today, there are a large number of companies that help the farmers in soil analysis as it is very important for successful organic farming. A standard test for analyzing soil costs very less as compared to other methods. Additionally, it fetches a comprehensive report that consists of essential information on requirement of lime, soil pH, nutrient suggestions and percentage of different minerals present in the soil. It helps in understanding the essential plant nutrients that are necessary for plants to grow and yield better results. Moreover, soil testing is carried out to known the amount and kinds of fertilizers required for the different types of crops which vary from field to field even on the same soil. It helps in ensuring maximum production with right amount of manure.

Initially, the sulphur content in the soil was adequate and it was not much of a concern as organic sulphur was made available as organic matter mineralized. However, with time, the content has decreased to great extent and it has become essential to use Sulphur in organic farming to keep the crops healthy. It can be done by spraying liquid sulphur in the fields. Agrilibrium is one of those companies in South Africa that have ventured into the agriculture industry to help cultivators grow healthy crops. They help the framers by supplying essential plant nutrients as well as in other factors.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Agrilibrium: Offering Essential Products for Accurate Crop Nutrition

It takes loads of efforts to make a farm field fertile enough to grow the crops as per your will. You need to test the soil for the availability of crop available nutrients. Depending on the analysis of the results, you are required to provide accurate crop nutrition by applying the desired mineral, organic and biological nutrients for better yield. In addition, you also need to be updated on various methods that could enhance the crop yield. If you wonder where to look for all such facilities to ensure enhanced results on your field, Agrilibrium is there to help you out.

Quality farming facilities at Agrilibrium  

The reputed company in South Africa holds high credibility in providing apt nutrition for plant roots uptake. It offers numerous products to adhere to this tasks satisfyingly, most of which leverage fulvic acid benefits and comprise amino acid chelate to nurture the crops. Some of its prominent products include:

AminoBoost: It is a nutrient chelated product consisting of acidic Phyto-fulvic acid. It works toward improving soil structure, soil rehabilitation and assists in enhancing the ability of the root to pierce through compacted and brackish soils. The fulvic acid in the product has been extracted from trees. In addition, it possesses appreciable wetter and rewettter properties.

FullMax: It is one of its kind foliar applied product, which actuates the uptake efficiency and mobility of plant ingredients. It performs the best when used in sync with Glyphosate and Foliar nutrition effective concentrations. It owns water loving or hygroscopic property, which comes handy in attracting moisture from air, to further improve the uptake of foliar applied chemicals.

QCM360: This product is highly efficacious in restoring the soil’s life and ecological balance. It comprises sludge, and plant growth stimulating (PGS) micro-organisms among others as the source of food for micro-organisms. It also provides the necessary vitamins and nutrients to maintain the fine balance between the soil and the nature.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

How Water Extract and Soil Test Analysis Contribute to Enhance Crop Yield?

To improve the growth of a crop, it is recommended to ascertain the nature of the soil and enrich it with the requisite nutrients accordingly. Methods such as soil test analysis and 1:2 water extract are among the valuable ones to execute this task. Here it is worthwhile knowing more about them.

Soil analysis: Put into layman terms, this test refers to the chemical extractions of soil minerals. It is carried out to predict the nutrients in the soil, which are ripe for the growth of the desired crop. Despite being one of the most traditionally used methods, its efficacy is limited. From the perspective of plant physiology, the results from this test exhibit an insignificant correlation with the crop response.
1:2 Water extract analysis: This is comparably an advanced method, which involves measuring the water soluble nutrients. It also determines the quantity that is available for uptake by the plant roots. It is effective in restoring the soil productivity, followed by its apt maintenance. These coveted objectives are achieved by using a combination of mineral fertilizers and biological sources of nutrients, in fixed proportion. It is also helpful in understanding the ingrained chemistry between soil and plant.
However, for an ideal yield, application of both these methods is important in appropriate manner. They are beneficial in ascertaining the soil nutrient content, as well as in determining nutrient availability for the crop. They give a better understanding of what is already available in the soil, and what needs to be applied.

Preferred modes for agriculture companies

Companies working in agriculture field prefer adopting these two methods to devise the strategy for manufacturing products. After performing these tests on different soil samples, they identify the requirement of plants nutrients. Consequently, their products specifically intend to suffice the lack of those elements, and contain amino acid chelate and complexes of fulvic acid nutrients in abundance. This further ensures proper consumptions by plants, hence leading optimally functioning crops.

Arguably, Agrilibrium is an ideal service provider in this regard, as it offers a range of nutrient rich products for improved plant uptake and excellent crop yield. With elements like liquid sulphur, amino acid, fulvic acid, etc. as its main constituents, it contributes exceptionally in restoring and maintaining the natural balances. Some of its widely used products include Dyno Sulf, DynoCrop, LiquidCompost, QCM 360 and more. Through all these vital produces, the Africa based company commits itself toward ensuring superior quality standards.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Organic Farming in South Africa – A way to healthy living

Organic farming is the method of growing fruits and vegetables that was used by our ancestors. It is done by application of techniques like crop rotation, green manure, compost, and biological pest control. However, getting to eat organic food is now-a-days a matter of luck. Today, in order to increase production of vegetables and fruits, synthetic manure is used and this is because of the uncontrolled growth in population across the globe. In addition, inorganic foods are also harmful to body and researches have proved that it is a cause of several harmful as well as fatal diseases. Owing to this, organic food is best in order to stay healthy. In addition, organic farming promotes the sustainable health and productivity of the ecosystem.

Organic farming in South Africa has got pace in the last few years. Several companies have joined the agriculture industry to help cultivators grow healthy yield through modern methods. They help the farmers in soil analysis as it is very important for successful organic farming. A standard test for analyzing soil costs very less as compared to other methods. Additionally, it fetches a detailed report comprising the information on soil pH, requirement of lime, nutrient suggestions and percentage of phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. It helps in understanding the essential plant nutrients that are necessary for plants to grow and yield better results. Moreover, soil testing is carried out to known the amount and kinds of fertilizers required for the different types of crops which vary from field to field even on the same soil. It helps in ensuring maximum production with right amount of manure.

Initially, the sulphur content in the soil was adequate and it was not much of a concern as organic sulphur was made available as organic matter mineralized. However, with time, the content has decreased to great extent and it has become essential to use Sulphur in organic farming to keep the crops healthy. It can be done by spraying liquid sulphur in the fields. Agrilibrium is one of those companies in South Africa that have ventured into the agriculture industry to help cultivators grow healthy crops. They help the framers by supplying essential plant nutrients as well as in other factors.