Tuesday, December 23, 2014

How Agrilibrium Restores Natural Balance and Contributes to Organic Farming in South Africa?

Agrilibrium is an innovative venture that found it realms in 2001 with the intention to improve the crop yield. Thanks to its positive efforts and the determination throughout these years, the company has added a new chapter to the organic farming in South Africa. Derived from the words agriculture and equilibrium, Agrilibrium vouches for restoring natural balance and spreads similar message through its logo as well. 

What does the Agrilibrium logo say?

On the left hand side of the logo, the specific term “Restoring Nature’s Balance” and the scale represent Equilibrium farming. Here the scale specifically refers to the soil and roots. Similarly, the right hand side of the logo depicts Plant Stress Management, one of its initiatives to improve the plant’s health. Finally, the drop at the centre of the scale indicates water and the 1:2 water extract analysis that the company performs to determine the relationship between the soil and the plant.  In short, the logo says it all, what the company has been doing and aspires to do in the coming times – restoring the balance of the nature at its best.

The strategy

Agrilibrium holds a productive and eco-friendly strategy to formulate develop products that could ensure high quality and effective plant growth. It promotes biological soul micro-organisms, organic soil ameliorants, and foliar plant nutrients. As for its reach, the company holds a high presence in the domestic agriculture market and the African export market. It entertains a decent repute in the international market as well, hence enabling it to share its vision of growing better crops worldwide. Its collaborating partners, AgrilibriumCape, and AgrilibriumCentral, both were incepted to take this coveted wish of the company forward to new dimensions.

Successful products & friendly staff

The entire group in itself has been a revolution in the agriculture sector in Africa. It leads the market with its beneficial products and owns an extensive capability to develop new products with the help of experienced team. Among its capable staff, include plant physiologists, agriculture economists, soil scientists and viticulturist. Besides these, the group also owns a team of skilled, educated, and professional trained experts to help farmers in the field and suggest beneficial ways for crop yield. In order to come up with beneficial products, all encrusted with minerals, amino acid chelate, fulvic acid, etc., it performs careful tests. While soil analysis predicts the crop available nutrients, the water extract analysis identify the soil nutrients and the quantity of these nutrients available for the harvest.

Monday, December 1, 2014

How Fulvic Acid Rich Products Help Agrilibrium Restore Nature’s Balance?

The nature is full of bounties. It continues to give back to the environment through various ways and hence benefits the flora, fauna, and the humankind persistently.  Even the decomposed material left by the dead plants, animals and microbes get recycled and become the source of numerous byproducts. As the soil absorbs these byproducts, it gains excellent properties, which make it healthy and fit enough to grow thriving crops yields. Notably, among many such derivatives, fulvic acid benefits exceptionally, owing to its enriched organic composition.

What is Fulvic acid?

It is an important organic compound that occurs naturally in plants and soil. It possesses the useful property to balance the biological processes and boost the cell life. Using it in apt quantity helps in efficient nutrient uptake by plants, and allows the water to enter the cells at above-normal rate. In addition, it encourages balanced hydration, and lets the undesirable toxic substances to pass through the body.  Unfortunately, several unsolicited actions by humans have resulted in a settle decrease in microbial activity in the farming soil. This has ultimately led to a retarded growth of natural substances, and the same goes for fulvic acid.

Thankfully, several companies operating into agricultural industry have come up with feasible solutions to help the soil regain fertility. Agrilibrium, the South Africa based company has been a reputed name in this regard. It abides by stepwise soil management plan spearheaded by soil testing to manufacture products that could benefit the soil as well as the crop growth. Besides providing essential plant nutrients and fulvic acid, these products also keep a check on the abundant presence of  liquid sulphur or lime. If not taken care of, the excess quantity could harm the pH of the soil, and may reduce the quantity of important elements such as iron, copper and zinc in the plants.

Why Agrilibrium?

The company serves the important cause of restoring the balance of nature that has been damaged by the use of harmful chemicals, avoidable farming activities, lack of knowledge, etc. It promises proliferating growth of crops through:

Equilibrium farming: Involves the use of organic and chemical plant nutrients, together with certain micro-organisms and soil conditioners.

Plant stress management: Includes the utilization of foliar nutrition effective concentrations, anti-oxidant biochemical compounds, and stimulants.

1:2 water extract: Determines the balance between the soil and the plant, and the portion of soil, which is beneficial for the growth of the crop.

Friday, October 31, 2014

How Analyses by Agrilibrium Professionals Can Help, Farmers Improve Soil Quality?

Founded in 2001, Agrilibrium is committed to providing products and analysis to farmers that help them yield better crops. The company develops high quality products for organic farming in South Africa, making way for an agriculture boom in the country. It assists in the production of better yields that could prove to be beneficial to the farmers not only in the African country, but also in other parts of the world. The positive efforts of specialists within the company has resulted in magnificent products and analysis techniques, which determine the quality of the soil, the nutrients available and the steps required to make the soil better yielding one.

Some of their major analysis and techniques are discussed below.

Soil Analysis: In simple words, it means chemical analysis of soil minerals carried out to determine crop available nutrients. Alongside, it also helps to find the soil structure, composition and the ratio of harmful compounds in the soil. By conducting this analysis, farmers get a better picture of their soil type; they are able to determine which crops will yield better results and flourish more. Samples from different parts of the field are collected and the analysis is carried out.

The results thus obtained help to determine which products are to be used on the soil to increase its nutrient content. For example, Seed Speed is one such product, which is a fulvic, and amino acid chelated seed treatment that helps in most favourable seedling growth and germination. This product corrects and balances the nutrient levels in the seedling root zone thus removing physiological imbalances.

1:2 Water Extract Analysis: This analysis is a very effective tool in determining the availability of nutrients. The water-soluble nutrients in the soil are measured and after analysis, the number of nutrients available for uptake by plant roots is determined.  The analysis is carried out in a number of places so that farmers are able to understand which parts are fertile with nutrients and which need treatment. They can also plant crops accordingly.

The field experts carry out both the analyses so that they can suggest accurate steps to farmers. These analyses are the first step to increasing the mineral and natural element content in the soil. Once the condition of the soil is determined properly through these methods, it becomes easier to choose the product that could lead to better yield.

To summarize, soil analysis and 1: 2 water extract analysis are the two main analyses that Agrilibrium carry out to determine the quality of soil and suggest products accordingly.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Agrilibrium: One-Stop Destination for Products with Essential Plant Nutrients

Companies operating in the agriculture domain keep on introducing new products that intend to better the condition of plants. These products are important in the wake of enriching the soil with essential plant nutrients extracted from several effective minerals and chemical compositions. Agrilibirum is home to a wide selection of such useful products that work actively in enhancing the harvest. Since 2001, it has been developing quality stuff to ensure fruitful organic farming.

Its best of breed products subsume the categories of organic and biological products, wetter/spreader, and mineral nutrients, which are further divided into soil applied and foliar applied nutrients. Some of them are described below:

DynoSulf: This product contains water-soluble phyto-fulvate complexed high concentration liquid sulphur with a low ratio of nitrogen to sulphur. It is efficacious both for the soil and leaf applications and is a widely recommended Sulphur or S-complex that makes up for S-deficiencies and imbalances in the plant. Other of its benefits for plants and crops are as below:

• Enhanced photosynthesis and protein synthesis

• Improved plant oil production in oil crops

• Accentuated coloration of ripening fruit

• Improved aroma components in crops such as brassicans, onions, wine grapes, etc.

Fullmax: It is a foliar product from Agrilibrium, which enhances the mobility and uptake of ingredients within the plant when used with glyphospate. It is one of widely demanded foliar nutrition products with effective concentrations to enhance the productivity of plants. While the contained Phytofulvate (fulvic acid) stimulates the growth, the herbicide slows down the protein synthesis.

This altogether, leads to improved activity and efficiency of herbicide or the metabolism and uptake of the foliar nutrient. It also ensures multiple fulvic acid benefits to the plants with its unusual characteristic that gives the wetting and dispersing abilities to the plants. It is extracted from the trees to create such an effect. However, the acid will not exhibit this wetting and spreading behaviour if extracted from any other source.

AminoBoost: The phyto-fulvic acid nutrient chelated product improves soil structure and rehabilitation. It encourages the root’s ability to pierce through the brackish and compacted soils. The product is completely water-soluble with excellent wetter and re-wetter characteristic. It is a unique fulvic acid, which is extracted from trees and is applied to plants by using sprinkler or dripper systems.

To summarize, Agrilibrium provides a range of unique products that are efficacious in increasing the metabolism and health of plants. These products include essential plant nutrients such as liquid sulphur, fulvic acid and more.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

How Agrilibrium Aims at Providing Accurate Crop Nutrition?

Agrilibrium, as the name suggests is all about restoring the nature’s balance in agriculture; i.e. to bring about a state of equilibrium. This stability is introduced by striking the right balance between Equilibrium Farming and Plant Stress Management. Both of these are the company’s trademarks and help in giving accurate crop nutrition.

Equilibrium Farming is used chemical and organic plant nutrients along with micro-organisms and soil conditioners to check for soil life and quality. Likewise, Plant stress management includes special foliar applied plant nutrient stimulants and anti-oxidants compounds. It helps in maintaining a balanced nutrient uptake.  Additionally, it also protects the plant from oxygen radical membrane damage of the energy supplying organelles.

Liquid sulphur is one vital nutrient for plant’s health but is not given due importance generally. For curing sulphur deficiency in the plants, Agrilibrium offers various related products. These are soluble in water and are found to be very effective in dealing with the soil imbalances and sulphur deficiency in plants. Dyno Sulf is one such offering of Agrilibrium, which is Phytofulvate complexed.

Soil Test Analysis is another measure of the proper crop nutrition. Products offered by this company are a blend of fulvic acid nutrient element complexes and amino acids. These products make sure that the plants take proper nutrients and function optimally. They also help in stimulating the root growth and improve nutrient uptake by the plants. Your crops can never fail passing any soil testing analysis program when Agrilibrium is with you. It offers a complete soil treatment, fertiliser, and foliar application along with some recommendations, which are based on the analysis of soil test and water extract. These are conducted in a weekly program with a major focus on psychological stages of plants.

Farming is not just about having the right knowledge and concepts, but knowing the right way of farming. Organic Farming is one such way, which is gaining popularity all over. The reason for this may be the growing health conscious nature of the consumers nowadays. They not only want to eat well, but also want the crops to be grown in a healthy way. Organic Farming in South Africa is believed to be the citadel of this way of farming. It helps in reducing pollution and sustaining ecosystem.

To conclude, Agrilibrium indeed offers a variety of products for proper crop nutrition. Its products are rich in natural ingredients and promote organic farming.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Amino Acid Chelate: The Organic Fertilizer That Replenishes Essential Plant Nutrients

Amino acid chelate, also called as liquid sulphur is the natural input that presents numerous benefits. It facilitates the nutrients reach even to the most complex parts of the plant, and effectively reduces the harmful effects of both the acidity and alkalinity on the metal nutrients.

Chelating agents are extremely secure as they obstruct the metal nutrients from intermingling among each other, as well as stop them from interrelating with the ions present in soil. This effectively signifies that the plant can utilize all the valuable nutrients and minerals introduced in the soil. They are

The chelates of amino acid are natural, and hence act as valuable mediators to offer plant nutrition. They assist the plant in attracting all the essential nutrients for its development, while removing other unnecessary ions. Instead of living at the root, these chelates hold the capability to help nutrients reach even to the tip of the leaves.

Even though chelating is an innate occurrence, not all plants can make best use of this procedure because of numerous reasons, foremost of them being the lack of essential plant nutrients. Hence, fertilizers encrusted with the chelates of amino acid go on to improve the plant’s capability to take in the nutrients present in the soil actively.

Even after initiating metal elements and important plant nutrients to the soil, they are not automatically soaked up by the plants due to some complex chemical and physical difficulties. Often, these nutrients reside on the roots and lower stem, from where they are drained away during runoff. In order to avoid arrested plant growth, adding fertilizers to the soil in higher quantity is a common practice. However, without proper soil analysis, it is hard to find out what is missing in the soil and at what pace are the plants absorbing the nutrients.

Hence, it doesn’t matter if you are running an agribusiness, work as an agriculturist or have the hobby of gardening, in almost any case, you need to perform proper analysis of soil and have to come up with an effective soil management plan. The idea has been catching ground more effectively than ever owing to the productive results it offers.

Soil analysis, correct composition of soil, and deciphering the essential plant nutrients are important to ensure good health of plants. The use of fertilizers like amino acid chelates or liquid sulphur in the right quantity is recommended in this context, to get appreciable results.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Organic Farming without the Quackery

There are a lot of benefits to organic farming South Africa, however small the scale –from the smallest kitchen gardens to the most complex of industrial farms. One of the odd things about it as an industry, though, is the sheer quantity of bad advice it can sometimes attract; you’ll find yourself being told to do all manner of things that don’t necessarily make much sense! The way to get around this is to spend some time educating you about the truth of the matter, to keep from being suckered in by bold claims and unverifiable assertions.

Why to Perform a Home Soil Test Analysis

It’s not actually true that a home soil test can tell you everything about the chemical makeup of the soil in your garden – you’ll hear people claim that occasionally, but in truth all they do is tell you the pH level of the sample you’ve selected. This is often a great deal of use in its own right, but it’s not quite the panacea that some would make it out to be!

Rather than investing in fancy kits that purport to change the way you garden, either buy a simple pH monitor that will do the job just as well or test the soil yourself using vinegar and baking soda. There’s no call to spend more money than that.

Why You Should Consider Liquid Sulphur

Without sulphur, plants can’t produce much in the way of proteins, amino acids, enzymes or vitamins – meaning that they won’t grow well and, once harvested, won’t be as healthy for people to eat. If your soil isn’t too rich in sulphur, adding liquid sulphur to it through a process of foliar feeding will help a great deal.

Why There’s a Point to Amino Acid Chelates

You’d probably need a degree in chemistry to properly understand the workings of chelates, but suffice it to say they’re a great help to many gardeners – but, like everything else, they’re not the kind of magic bullet that some unscrupulous salespeople would have you believe. So why would you need an amino acid chelate at all?

The layperson’s explanation draws on some popular over the counter painkillers. You’ll sometimes find painkillers sold in liquid form: little plastic blobs of pill that, if burst, would have liquid inside the gel-like coating. This makes them quicker for us to absorb, and means that they get to work faster. On a microscopic level, chelates do the same thing to fertiliser – meaning that the plant can better absorb the nutrients inside.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Organic Farming and the Significance of Foliar Feeding

Pesticides and insecticides like Chlordane, Diazanon and Sevin may seem to work well on plants but in reality are extremely harmful. One of the ideal alternatives to chemical fertilizers and pesticides is organic farming. For the most part, it is the art and science of gardening keeping in mind the health of the soil, its structure and texture.  The main objective of organic gardening is to grow plants without the use of chemicals and synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides.

Types of Organic Farming

Organic farming is easy to manage and isn’t expensive as well. Many of the raw materials like plant waste, foliage, vegetable waste and compost heaps are easily accessible. There are several types of organic farming. Pure organic farming includes the use of organic manures and bio-pesticides while integrated farming involves integrated nutrient management and pest management. The natural farming method is based on building soil with regular surface applications of organic matter that is allowed to slowly decompose on the surface.

Foliar Feeding for Healthy Plant Growth

Foliar feeding is one of the popular methods of feeding pants and is widely used technique in organic farming to supply plants with their nutritional needs. It involves spraying nutrients directly on the leaves to correct any deficiencies in the soil. In foliar nutrition, effective concentrations of the deficient nutrients are sprayed, which are absorbed directly by the plant tissue. It helps overcome soil fertilization limitations like leaching, antagonism between certain nutrients and absorption reactions. The technique has proved to be the fastest way of curing nutrient deficiencies and boosting plant performance.

The Importance of Soil Analysis and Testing

Prior to using any technique such as foliar feeding it is essential to conduct a soil analysis. This is especially true in the case of glasshouse management where rapid changes occur in the amount of salt and nutrients. The soil must have a proper pH value and contain the right composition of mineral nutrients, which includes macronutrients such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and micronutrients such as iron, chloride and zinc.

Restore Nature’s Balance with Products from Agrilibrium

Farmers and gardeners have a choice of options when it comes to plant nutrition. This includes organic fertilizers, foliar applied mineral nutrients and amino acid chelate products that contain fluvic acid extracts.  When it comes to organic farming South Africa, Agrilibrium is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of high quality organic products that include soil ameliorants, biological soil micro-organisms and foliar plant nutrients for the local and export market. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Advantages of 1:2 Water Extract Analysis

The use of 1:2 water extract analysis has been proven to be an effective method compared to the conventional 1:5 weight extract. The latter presents some difficulty in determining conductivity to evaluate the salt status, particularly for soils that contain a good volume of gypsum. Using the 1:2 extract method, which entails adding moist soil to two parts of water, the results were very accurate for chloride, phosphate, nitrogen, magnesium, potassium and conductivity when compared to the saturation extract. Perhaps one of the drawbacks using the 1:2 method is it's quite laborious. It's important to note, however, that the ratio of water will depend on the content of organic matter in your soil.

Is Knowing Your Soil Enough?

Essential soil analysis will give you a good idea of the mineral and nutrient content of your farm. The idea of course is that you can program an accurate crop nutrient cycle using the information you get from the results of the tests. But knowing the amount of salinity or alkalinity in your soil, for example, wouldn't be sufficient without knowing plant physiology. Just because your soil is rich in potassium and magnesium doesn't mean that the plant is going to absorb most of these minerals for its need. The water extract analysis allows you to determine the nutrients that are water soluble and what can be absorbed by the plant.

Benefits of Water Extract Analysis

Through the water extraction method, you will identity the types and amount of nutrients in the soil and the amount available for the plant. It will also give you an idea of how to program your inputs and fertilizer or amount of liquid sulphur for a healthier crop. Water extract is also the more cost-saving approach because you apply less nutrients after determining exactly how much portion of each of the minerals and nutrients is absorbed by the plant. It's also ecologically friendly because you can identify the imbalances in the soil and make the necessary actions to rectify the imbalance.

Chelation for Improved Nutrient Absorption

While in the subject of being environmentally conscious, the introduction of organic amino acid chelate fertilizer will help minerals and nutrients penetrate even the tippest point of the plant's leaf instead of staying at the roots. Technical description aside, think of the process of chelation as coating a mineral with a clear film which allows it to travel anywhere in the plant without dissolving or leaching.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Essential Plant Nutrients for a Healthy Crop

Plants need a number of nutrients that promotes healthy growth. There are as many as 16 essential plant nutrients that include the nine major elements; hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and sulfur. Other elements include micronutrients like copper, boron, manganese, iron, zinc, chlorine, and molybdenum.  Hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon combine to result in the process of photosynthesis.

The Importance of Testing

A soil analysis is essential to determine how much of the nutrients are present in the soil. Samples can be lab tested especially if you want to know more other than the soil’s alkalinity and salinity. However, there are several DIY kits to test the pH and identify the basic nutrients of the soil. These kits do not offer recommended the input of specific nutrients in case of any deficiency so that the correct pH balance can be maintained. This type of an analysis is a valuable tool in determining the inputs required for cost effective and efficient plant production. A proper soil test ensures the precise application of fertilizer to meet the requirements of the crop while taking advantage of nutrients already present in the soil. However, it is important to use the correct soil sampling technique for accurate results.

The Role of Nutrients

There are many reasons why soil could be low in nutrients. This could occur naturally while the removal of crops without replenishment may lead to a nutrient deficiency. Some high yielding crops also have higher nutrient requirements. It is important to understand the two main types of nutrients. Macronutrients are those like nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and potassium that are required by the plant in large quantities.  On the other hand, micronutrients are required in very small amounts but are essential for healthy plant growth. They must be added to the soil in small amounts whenever there is a deficiency.  This includes iron, cobalt, chromium, copper, iodine, manganese, selenium, zinc and molybdenum, and also includes vitamins.

Role of Individual Nutrients

Nitrogen is what drives plant growth. It is involved in all the major processes of plant development. On the other hand, phosphorus plays a key role in photosynthesis and the transfer of energy. It is also responsible for the development of the tissues that result in healthy growth. Many natural and agricultural soils are deficient in phosphorus. Potassium is responsible for activating more than 60 enzymes that induce protein synthesis and improves a plant’s capacity to hold water, thereby increasing its tolerance to drought, salinity, and frost. Another essential nutrient is sulphur, a constituent of protein that is involved in the formation of cholorphyll along with magnesium. Calcium promotes healthy root growth and is also a constituent for cell wall materials. It helps reduce soil acidity.

The Benefits of Fulvic Acid

Science and medicine have both discovered fulvic acid benefits for plants as well as humans. It occurs naturally in organic plants and soil, and is considered a crucial ingredient to a healthy and productive farm or garden. Fulvic acid can be purchased commercially along with amino acid chelate products, and is most useful in foliar feeding. The nutrients are directly absorbed to restore the plant’s natural balance. It is a great detoxifier and helps boost drought tolerance in plants.